Hello Trainers!
Just two days till PokéCon!
I hope you are all as excited as we are!
Chances are this is our last Newsletter before the Convention!
First off, hours for the Convention will be:
Registration will open at 10am but you may start lining up at 9am.
If you have Pre-Registered for the Convention all you will need is your Photo ID to pick up your badge.
Chaperons may pick up theirs and their children's badges together with their Photo ID.
If you had registered at the Donator level please when you show up come straight to the front of the line and we will get you set up with your gift bags and introduce you to our VIP staff who will personally help you with anything you may need during the weekend.If you are going to Register at Con please have cash ready ($35) and a Photo ID.
If you are registering at door as a Chaperon please have your child/children with you and your Photo ID.
There will be a limited amount of Convention merchandise available at door for cash, once gone they are gone.
If you would like to insure that you get a shirt or bracelets or would like to help us out you may still register as a Donator at door for $100, only those who Pre-Reg'd will get a gift bag, however you will still have all VIP privileges. If you wish to you may come to the front of the line when before or during the line up.
Goldy's Game Room in the basement of Coffman will be the closest place to get food and is open till 1am.
At 11pm we will move some of the games down there till close.
For you night owls out there the PokéFun will keep going a bit later.
There are also a number of other places to get food around the campus, you can check out the link below for a detailed list.
Being on campus there is just about everything you could want and every price range within walking distance.
As for the schedule of events, the full grid is live on the site and may be found here.http://www.mnpokecon.com/programming.html
Dealers and Artists will open shorty after Opening Ceremonies ends.
There will be a variety of Tournaments (TCG & VG) and Events, don't forget to bring your Cards and Video Games!
And I mean all games! Got Pokémon Red or Blue? Bring them!
Have a Pokémon board game or Console Game?
You can check them in with the game room and leave them for all to enjoy!You can even bring cards to trade to people or to sell to Level Up Games as well. There will even be a swap meet Sunday if you have any old Pokémon stuff you'd like to try and trade with others for!
Oh and two of our Guests, Marriland and Saphazon have special events this weekend.
Marriland is hosting a special PR video Contest, it will be held on Saturday.
Here is an example!
He wants to see funny, scary, serious, or just awesome PR videos!
The Tournament will be on Sunday and be judged by all three of or Guests, Marriland Saphazon and Zarel!
The other event will be Saphazon Live Streaming a Speed Run of Pokémon Blue!
Also on Sunday.
The Cosplay Contest sign up will end at 5pm on Saturday, you can register at Registration any time before then, even as you get your badge!
We want to see any and all Pokémon Cosplay out in force!
Even if you don't think its very good or its just a Rocket T-shirt everything is welcome!Show your Pokemon Pride!After the contestants in the Cosplay Contest show off we will be treated to a PokéCon-Cert by Mahou Showtime an up and coming local Idol group!
Prizes will be given after their performance so stick around to see the winners!
Now if you forgot or have not looked it up yet, the convention is onthe third floor of Coffman Union:
300 Washington Ave SE Minneapolis MN
For Parking information check here:
And the convention sits right in front of the U of M's main bus hub and right on the GREEN Line Light Rail.
You can find busing info at:
Or you can use Google Maps to plan your trip as well.
Just click the link below, then "Directions", then enter your address then click the Bus logo, make sure to adjust the time to when you want to leave or be there by as it defaults to the current time!
And one last note, 35W near Downtown Minneapolis will be under construction, check with your preferred news outlet regarding which roads will be under construction and plan accordingly!
Until next time- or rather SATURDAY!?
Smell ya later!~
Just two days till PokéCon!
I hope you are all as excited as we are!
Chances are this is our last Newsletter before the Convention!
First off, hours for the Convention will be:
- Saturday: 10 am - 11 pm
- Sunday: 12 pm - 5 pm
Registration will open at 10am but you may start lining up at 9am.
If you have Pre-Registered for the Convention all you will need is your Photo ID to pick up your badge.
Chaperons may pick up theirs and their children's badges together with their Photo ID.
If you had registered at the Donator level please when you show up come straight to the front of the line and we will get you set up with your gift bags and introduce you to our VIP staff who will personally help you with anything you may need during the weekend.If you are going to Register at Con please have cash ready ($35) and a Photo ID.
If you are registering at door as a Chaperon please have your child/children with you and your Photo ID.
There will be a limited amount of Convention merchandise available at door for cash, once gone they are gone.
If you would like to insure that you get a shirt or bracelets or would like to help us out you may still register as a Donator at door for $100, only those who Pre-Reg'd will get a gift bag, however you will still have all VIP privileges. If you wish to you may come to the front of the line when before or during the line up.
Goldy's Game Room in the basement of Coffman will be the closest place to get food and is open till 1am.
At 11pm we will move some of the games down there till close.
For you night owls out there the PokéFun will keep going a bit later.
There are also a number of other places to get food around the campus, you can check out the link below for a detailed list.
Being on campus there is just about everything you could want and every price range within walking distance.
As for the schedule of events, the full grid is live on the site and may be found here.http://www.mnpokecon.com/programming.html
Dealers and Artists will open shorty after Opening Ceremonies ends.
- Saturday: 12:30 pm - 8 pm
- Sunday: 12 pm - 4 pm
There will be a variety of Tournaments (TCG & VG) and Events, don't forget to bring your Cards and Video Games!
And I mean all games! Got Pokémon Red or Blue? Bring them!
Have a Pokémon board game or Console Game?
You can check them in with the game room and leave them for all to enjoy!You can even bring cards to trade to people or to sell to Level Up Games as well. There will even be a swap meet Sunday if you have any old Pokémon stuff you'd like to try and trade with others for!
Oh and two of our Guests, Marriland and Saphazon have special events this weekend.
Marriland is hosting a special PR video Contest, it will be held on Saturday.
Here is an example!
He wants to see funny, scary, serious, or just awesome PR videos!
The Tournament will be on Sunday and be judged by all three of or Guests, Marriland Saphazon and Zarel!
The other event will be Saphazon Live Streaming a Speed Run of Pokémon Blue!
Also on Sunday.
The Cosplay Contest sign up will end at 5pm on Saturday, you can register at Registration any time before then, even as you get your badge!
We want to see any and all Pokémon Cosplay out in force!
Even if you don't think its very good or its just a Rocket T-shirt everything is welcome!Show your Pokemon Pride!After the contestants in the Cosplay Contest show off we will be treated to a PokéCon-Cert by Mahou Showtime an up and coming local Idol group!
Prizes will be given after their performance so stick around to see the winners!
Now if you forgot or have not looked it up yet, the convention is onthe third floor of Coffman Union:
300 Washington Ave SE Minneapolis MN
For Parking information check here:
And the convention sits right in front of the U of M's main bus hub and right on the GREEN Line Light Rail.
You can find busing info at:
Or you can use Google Maps to plan your trip as well.
Just click the link below, then "Directions", then enter your address then click the Bus logo, make sure to adjust the time to when you want to leave or be there by as it defaults to the current time!
And one last note, 35W near Downtown Minneapolis will be under construction, check with your preferred news outlet regarding which roads will be under construction and plan accordingly!
Until next time- or rather SATURDAY!?
Smell ya later!~